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karl von Thulé
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De passage

Age: 71
Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010
Messages: 63
Localisation: Royaume de Thulé

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 14:42 pm    Sujet du message: HYPERBOREE

Je m'adresse plus particulièrement à Notre bonne Fée... qui nous connaît bien, plus Juju que moi-même d'ailleurs. Il n'est pas besoin que je précise mon métier actuel, étant donné que Vio l'a fait. Avant de succéder à ma Mère, le 3 Août 1998, j'étais scientifique, et depuis un an environ je suis membre du Parlement Scientifique Européen, lequel va libérer ses membre en fin d'année, ce qui est dommage... et traduit aussi certaines des intentions cachées de leurs financements.

Je suis conférencier international en Physique Nucéaire, section nucléosynthèse, principlement sur mes propres BS et ce que cela implique au niveau mondial.

pour ceux que cela intéresse, consultez ma page Facebook, qui contient notamment le texte de ma conférence au sein d' ICENES 2009: l'unique motivation de cette proposition est de répondre par avance à des critiques non-formulées aujourd'hui.

Cordialement à tous...

Pour ma Fée, Tendresse Affectueuse.
Ta Horde va-t-elle bien?

Karl VI

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 15:50 pm    Sujet du message:
karl von Thulé
De passage
De passage

Age: 71
Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010
Messages: 63
Localisation: Royaume de Thulé

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 16:01 pm    Sujet du message:
Jyestha ... bonjour.

Peux-tu traduire ...?


Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 16:05 pm    Sujet du message:
Potage de réflexions avec une pincée d'interrogations.
karl von Thulé
De passage
De passage

Age: 71
Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010
Messages: 63
Localisation: Royaume de Thulé

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 16:08 pm    Sujet du message:
Merci ... au moins pas de jugement arbitraire... cest déjà ça.

Vio, Notre bonne Fée, pourra vous renseigner, Elle me connaît bien. Elle et moi voyageons à travers les Temps...
Super actif
Super actif

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin

Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2006
Messages: 1548

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 16:20 pm    Sujet du message:
un troll qui fait sa réapparition (one more time)....ça risque d'être drole
karl von Thulé
De passage
De passage

Age: 71
Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010
Messages: 63
Localisation: Royaume de Thulé

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 16:25 pm    Sujet du message:
Bonjour Cherjirou....

Beaucoup de faits concrets depuis tant de temps.... mais je ne suis sur la Toile que le vendredi après-midi... et je n'ai pas le caractère de Juju.

Bienvenue à toi

Super actif
Super actif

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin

Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2006
Messages: 1548

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 16:33 pm    Sujet du message:
Tu es son petit fils sans doute?
karl von Thulé
De passage
De passage

Age: 71
Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010
Messages: 63
Localisation: Royaume de Thulé

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 16:36 pm    Sujet du message:
Non, je suis Karl... mon fils se nomme Zadog II et a un peu plus de 8 ans
Suprème actif
Suprème actif

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin

Inscrit le: 01 Avr 2009
Messages: 3523
Localisation: Ile de la Réunion

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 16:46 pm    Sujet du message:
Bonjour. C'est coooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Genre salut. T'es venu chercher quoi ici?
karl von Thulé
De passage
De passage

Age: 71
Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010
Messages: 63
Localisation: Royaume de Thulé

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 16:53 pm    Sujet du message:
Ptit Ange ...

Je ne suis rien venu chercher.
simplement rencontrer sur un autre plan ma Bonne Fée...
Entre mon métier se scientifique, et mes occupations dans mon Etat, ainsi qu'au Parlement Scientifique Européen... j'ai peu de temps...

Salut amical
Suprème actif
Suprème actif

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin

Inscrit le: 01 Avr 2009
Messages: 3523
Localisation: Ile de la Réunion

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 16:56 pm    Sujet du message:
Trop dément Razz . C'est qui ta Bonne fée? C'est quoi un Parlement Scientifique Européens?
karl von Thulé
De passage
De passage

Age: 71
Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010
Messages: 63
Localisation: Royaume de Thulé

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 17:13 pm    Sujet du message:
Tu devrais relire la page
http://www.genaisse.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=15515&highl ight=
les commentaires de Violaine....

EPS est un parlement strictement réservé aux scientifiques: le sujet de cette année est l' Eau, qui est de plus en plus rare en tant que potable. C'est en relation directe avec ma conférence à ICENES 2009.
karl von Thulé
De passage
De passage

Age: 71
Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010
Messages: 63
Localisation: Royaume de Thulé

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 17:36 pm    Sujet du message:
Science Parliament EU:

** liens interdits (cr) **

Forum topic Water & Economy - Realistic facts Dr. Karl VI von... 4 29 weeks 21 hours ago
Forum topic The solution exists today Dr. Karl VI von... 28 44 weeks 6 min ago
Forum topic Introduction to Water, Science & Technology Andreas 50 44 weeks 4 days ago
Forum topic Water is the focal topic of the ESP 2010! Andreas 46 49 weeks 1 day ago
Forum topic The Unique means to boost the Economy Dr. Karl VI von... 6 51 weeks 35 min ago
Forum topic Water is the First Energy for our World Dr. Karl VI von... 4 1 year 5 weeks ago
Forum topic Water - Most important for Life & Economy Dr. Karl VI von... 0 1 year 8 weeks ago

Pour Info
karl von Thulé
De passage
De passage

Age: 71
Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010
Messages: 63
Localisation: Royaume de Thulé

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 17:41 pm    Sujet du message:
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Water is the First Energy for our World
2009: Kickoff Posts & Discussions
submitted by Dr. Karl VI von... on September 18, 2009
In the field of the Water, it what interests us at present most, because without Water there is no life, is the ownership of this Resource in unlimited, pure quantity and thus at once comparable without any treatment of apuration, thatentails ipso-facto a determining economic aspect.

In the process of Cold Fusion which I finalized, and which is experimented fortwo years without discontinuity in a country close to the U.E. but by not being a part, and which furthermore is a "emerging" said country, the main production is the at once useful Electricity, what is an asset determining in countries knowing cold periods, and what can know storms which cut the official networks of distribution of the electricity, however in a very expensive cost for the user.

The unique "waste" of this Process is the Water, which is pure. In the knowing countries either the drought, or the pollution, this Water will be a determining asset: whether it is in India, where exist at the same time a pollution of diverse origins, and the drought, or whether it is in Europe where the most diverse pollutions distort the Water, and even the drinkable said water of the official distributors and the quality of which is far from being neutral for the consumers, as a consequence at first the "stabilisants" which are incorporated into it, such the javel, or the chlorine, which we feel as soon as we make sink the faucet, for example in the French southwest, the Water stemming from my Modules would indeed be an essential contribution of quality of life.

The individual Modules will allow a resource in unlimited water in the time, of the order of 100 in 150 cubic meters a day, the surpluses of a normal consumption of which according to the concerned biotope could be given to the neighbours of said biotope. Modules large-scale normal and identical to the prototype known evoked, will allow a grouping of population the supply of the Water and the electrical energy.

What will in particular allow the public utilities of distribution to renew
effectively them distribution networks, at present rather failing at the level of the "food" security, these circuits being except sanitary standards.

This simple aspect of things will allow to create some jobs, so so much is
whether it is really the gourvernementale will of the places so defined. But the first advantage of the local populations will be to have - in unlimited quantity - some Water and some Electricity without any royalty to their usual suppliers. Their only expenses will be the cost price of their Module (600.000 €) and the visits of maintenance, one a year (3.000€).

In the Western industrial nations,

Every Module identical to the Module Prototype produces 300 cubic meters of
water a day, that is a year 109.500 cubic meters, and in at once useful Electricity 5.284.800 megawatts.

The volume of the Module is 300 x 40 cms, coupled with a classic transformer of 1 cubic meter. The local area network of distribution must be fitted out so that distribution networks are subterranean, as well as circuits concerning the distribution of the Water: so more cut dûe in the climatic variations, such as the storm of 1999.

Considering the Intellectual property which possesses this technology, the
diverse western States can take no tax from these products, what will both allow the individuals and the companies not to pay any more subscriptions and surtarifées consumptions, so protecting their purchasing power.

In the African countries,
Every Module identical to the Module Prototype produces 300 cubic meters of
water a day, that is a year 109.500 cubic meters, and in at once useful Electricity 5.284.800 megawatts.

Every village, every province will so have access to these two vital Energies, so decreasing the frictions between tribes and ethnic groups. Africa could so re-turn green, and produce good harvests of local healthy products, and stop productions not - African.
A Program of nature conservation (animals and plants) will be added to every transfer of Module, because it is necessary to keep(preserve) the native biodiversity.

In other "emerging" countries, and Brazil,
Every Module identical to the Module Prototype produces 300 cubic meters of
water a day, that is a year 109.500 cubic meters, and in at once useful Electricity 5.284.800 megawatts.


Political and economic consequences,

I sketched this above the possibilities and the advantages at the individual level and at the level of youngs grouping of inhabitants, all continent were confused.

But there is also an Economic aspect concerning the States which would like to change their politics of the Energy by acquiring evoked known Modules. This acquisition could be made only in the form of Protocols, which so could generate jobs in every country concerned, approximately 500.000 jobs in the first two years, then of numerous other. In diverse fields of application, in particular in biodiversity.

This aspect of things can conceive only in the western industrial nations, and of North America which are States says about right, and cannot be subjected to the secondary eventualities of the " Big Market Transaltlantique ", as a consequence exactly of the world Monopoly which governs this scientific headway such as it was explained to ICENES on 2009.

Indeed the " Big Transaltlantique market " has and will have fatal consequences for the European Union, which few persons know at present: the real stake in the creation of such a space consists in the possibility, eventually, of the delivery of the nationals of the European Union for the authorities of the United States of America. Military Commissions Act 2006 allows to pursue or to imprison infinitely every nominee as "enemy" by the American executive power and but that nobody can prevent this infrigement of rights of the Man. This law concerns every nationals of a country with which Used them are not at war, simply because one is indicated as such by the American executive power. This law which concerns the world was disputed by no foreign government, which were
careful not well to warn of it their nationals.

The Americans register their requirements in what they consider as the
economic context. These requirements are: tohand them permanently a series of private information, such as the number of credit card, the detail of the private bank accounts, the investments realized by the private individuals and the companies, the routes of journey of all the travelers, or the internet connections, violating in it the rights of the Man, as well as the information connected to the person such the Race, the political beliefs, the religion, the customs...

Now, every person who closely or by far acts in any independence can be
indicated as "enemy" of the power of Usa, in particular in the control both
essential and vital energies that are the Water and the Energy. It reminds us that behind the big official governments, is outlined a world transnational government the political will of which is to subject all the world popûlations to a continuous control in any domains, such as it is programmed in "Project Blue Beam".

This aspect of the facts must be revealed, both on the plan "Science &
Economy" and on the plan "Science et Politic" before it is too late. To impose rationing on the population in food, in Water and in Electricity means subjecting them, what is inadmisible. Diverse persons think of qualifying any sources of Water as " Heritage of the Humanity ", a way as other one to help it " military and political transnational government " to take the control.

It is the essential reason for which I created a World Monopoly as regards my Processes and Special Patents, based in the only European country which was not a part of the European Union, and which refocuses at present the " protection of the personal life ", as well as in this microphone-Etat except Europe where I received hands of my Mother Marie-Thérèse II, in the day of its death.

This Monopoly using my special patents is the unique condition which can
allow the access to all in both vital Energies for the Man, the Energy, and more still the Water.
Dr. Karl VI von Thulé - RTI
karl von Thulé
De passage
De passage

Age: 71
Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010
Messages: 63
Localisation: Royaume de Thulé

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 17:47 pm    Sujet du message:
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réactions diverses

We must join together ... itWe must join together .It is the only solution .

submitted by Belgrade mermaids on December 17, 2009.

i am with you. i completelyi am with you. i completely agree with you

submitted by juanki on November 11, 2009.
Blue Jeans

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin
Age: 36
Inscrit le: 18 Juin 2010
Messages: 314

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 21:25 pm    Sujet du message:
Je n'en peux plus. Bonne chance et bon courage, tous.
Suprème actif
Suprème actif

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin

Inscrit le: 01 Avr 2009
Messages: 3523
Localisation: Ile de la Réunion

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 22:35 pm    Sujet du message:
Holala, ça a l'air tellement fantastique^^.
Aigle hurlant

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin

Inscrit le: 14 Nov 2010
Messages: 922
Localisation: Wardak province, Afghanistan

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 22:39 pm    Sujet du message:
Je m'y perds...

Dernière édition par Aigle hurlant le Sam Nov 20, 2010 10:11 am; édité 1 fois

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin

Inscrit le: 09 Fév 2010
Messages: 1165

Message Posté le: Ven Nov 19, 2010 23:37 pm    Sujet du message:
( Je révise en même temps )

En France, l'usurpation d'identité est, dans certaines circonstances, un délit pénal qui peut être sanctionné de 5 ans d'emprisonnement et de 75 000 euros d'amende comme le précise l'article 434-23 du Code pénal.

L'usurpation d'identité s'oppose à :

- l'usage d'une identité fictive;
- la substitution d'identité
- au vol d'identité.

Je me tâte, alors il va falloir que Karl m'éclaire !

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